How to Find a Good Dental College to Study

Getting enrolled in a dental school is a big investment. Not only you will be spending four precious years of your life, but you will also spend a lot of money. It is important to select a school that suits your needs. Once you select the right school, you can check out their admission requirements. Make sure you have met the academic standards the schools have set.

As many dental colleges have mushroomed up in India, choosing the right college can make your career. There are many good dental colleges in Maharashtra that offers a wide range of facilities to all the students. So, here are few points which you should keep in your mind before you take the big step.

  • Determine school cost: Studying in dental colleges needs a lot of investment. It includes both the tuition fees as well as the living expenses. You don’t want to have your eyes set on a school and later realize that it is way too expensive. Even if you are willing to take a student loan, you may still want to set a limit.
  • Choose the location wisely: Location is another important thing to consider while choosing a dental college. Even if a school is well known, it might not be an optimal choice if you don’t like the location. You don’t want to spend four years somewhere you don’t like. Dental colleges in Pune is the best solution as Pune in itself is an amazing city and it has many beautiful places where one can spend free time and unwind.
  • Keep a check on the student to faculty ratio: If you don’t mind large classes, then this may not be an issue. However, a big class means less attention from the faculty members. In a class with fewer students, you can get more individualized attention. Information on the student to faculty ratios can often be found on the school’s website or you can contact the college to get an answer.
  • Combining two degrees: In this competitive era, many students want to pursue two degrees simultaneously. Though dental is tough in itself, there are many dental schools that offer options for the students who want to earn a master’s degree in public health along with their DDS or something similar.
  • Clinical considerations: In addition to classroom work and lectures, the dental school offers hands-on experience. Some of the schools have their clinics where the students can learn and practice their skills while some students are assigned to the clinic and dental practices affiliated with the school. You can talk to dentists or dental students to understand if one type of clinical experience is better than the other.
  • Student life: Dental school is more than going to classes and dental clinics. Ensure that the student life is comfortable. Look for housing opportunities, cost of living in the area, canteen facilities, and other facilities to live life comfortably. Don’t overlook the importance of activities outside the class. It provides a chance to network, study, socialize and provide community service. 

Selecting the right dental school is not a hassle. You need to select from the top-notch schools and visit the website to go through all the pointers. Once satisfied, you can apply and step forward for a better tomorrow.

Published by Ravi Sharma

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